Monday, December 12, 2011

Allusion Dec. 7

Line 1: Who is the "man" in which the author refers?
- White men.

Line 6: What is the author alluding to, "Or over mud puddles"?
- Basically she's saying, she's a woman but no one ever helped her.

Line 10: What does the author mean, "I have plowed and planted"?
- She does the same kind of work a man can do and she is a woman.

Line 12: Explain the line, "And no man could head me."
- No man could work as hard as she does.

Line 24: Who is the "little man in black" to which the author refers?
- The preacher.

Line: 28 & 29: To what famous moment is the author alluding?
- The birth of Jesus Christ.

Line 30, 31 & 32: To what other famous moment is the author alluding?
- When Eve bit the apple.

Line 33 & 34: What "call to action" is the author putting forth for all women to embrace if the world is to be turned "right side up again"?
- Women should work together to turn the world right side up again.

What is your impression of the author of this poem after exploring some of the allusions in her poem "Ain't I a Woman?"

My impression of the author is that, she is a very strong woman. She can work as hard and is as strong as a man so she should deserve some sort of praise. Other woman just sat back and looked 'pretty' while the men barked orders and she wasn't like that. She was couragious, strong and that should be admired by women everywhere.

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